


# async copyToClipboard(ref, text)

Copy some text to the clipboard.

Name Type Default Description
ref object

React reference object

text string null

Value to be copied

View Source components/copyButton.js, line 28

# error(message)

Print error message to the console if dev environment is active.

Name Type Description
message *

error Message to be printed to the console.

View Source utils/log.js, line 26

# isBrowser()

Check if execution is running in a browser.

View Source utils/checks.js, line 4

# isDevEnvironment()

Check if the application is currently running in development mode.

View Source utils/checks.js, line 16

# isObject(value)

Check whether a given variable is an object.

Name Type Description
value any

variable to be checked

View Source utils/checks.js, line 11

# log(message)

Print log message to the console if dev environment is active.

Name Type Description
message *

Log message to be printed to the console.

View Source utils/log.js, line 8

# sleep(milliseconds)

Pause execution for some amount of time.

Returns a Promise which will be resolved after the given milliseconds have passed.

Name Type Description
milliseconds number

time to sleep

View Source utils/sleep.js, line 8

# useForm()

React hook to access the form context within a custom component.

View Source components/jsonSchema/form.js, line 190

# warning(message)

Print warn message to the console if dev environment is active.

Name Type Description
message *

warn Message to be printed to the console.

View Source utils/log.js, line 17