

<SelectTextField className id label disabled options onChange onOpen onClose value aria-label getOptionLabel clearText createEntryText createEntryTextShort />


# <SelectTextField className id label disabled options onChange onOpen onClose value aria-label getOptionLabel clearText createEntryText createEntryTextShort />

Textfield behaving as a select field.

The user can type some text in the textfield. The component will show suitable options in a list below the field. The user must have selected such an option so that the field gets valid.

Name Type Required Description Default
className string No @ignore
id string No Used as the field id. Uses a randomly generated one if not set.
label string No Label text for the text field.
disabled bool No If `true`, the input will be disabled.
options array Yes Array of options.
onChange func No Callback when input text has changed () => {}
onOpen func No Callback when the autocomplete list will be opened.
onClose func No Callback when the autocomplete list will be closed.
value string No The value of the field.
aria-label string No Label used to improve accessibility.
getOptionLabel func No Used to determine the string value for a given option. x => x
clearText string No Override the default text for the *clear* icon button. 'clear'
createEntryText string No Override the default text for the *create entry* hint rendered next to the input field. 'Create a new entry'
createEntryTextShort string No Override the default text for the *create entry* menu item. 'New entry'

View Source components/selectTextField.js, line 89